Eligible Investments
Eligible Investments
Eligible Investments
Eligible investments in BC and Alberta are quite similar. The restriction in BC applies only to the contingency fund.
Generally the eligible investments in both provinces are:
- Securities of the government of Canada, its Provinces or municipalities. Securities of the governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom.
- Any security guaranteed by one of those governments.
- Securities issued by Alberta (BC Strata Reg allows all Provinces) municipal government bodies, such as school divisions, and health regions.
- Bonds issued by a corporation incorporated in Canada, that are fully secured by assets such as real estate, land, plant and equipment and bonds ( Alberta - also the corporation has paid dividends on the preferred shares, and dividends on common shares and at least equal to 4% of the share value AND the bond is fully secured by a first charge on assets)
- Preferred shares of Canadian corporations where the corporation has paid dividends on its preferred shares at the prescribed rate, and had earnings available for common shares, of at least 4% of the share value for each of the past five years.
- Securities issued or guaranteed by certain international development banks
- First mortgage on Canadian real estate where the mortgage does not exceed 75% of fair value, (Alberta - or the loan is CMHC insured).
For the complete description, please see the respective regulations